United Family Network

Avoid Eviction With These Rent Relief Resources

Do you fear that eviction is near because you cannot pay your rent?

Use these rent relief resources to avoid eviction and get you caught up with your landlord.

What can you do when the rent is due, and you can’t pay it? You could ask for help from friends or family or apply for a personal loan. But what if none of those options work? If that’s the case, give these rent relief resources a try, as they may be even better options at getting out of your housing issues.

Section 8 Vouchers

We list this resource first because it can fix your rent issues for a long time. How? By making your rent a lot more affordable so you can save cash and build financial stability.

A Section 8 voucher limits your monthly out-of-pocket rent costs to just 30 percent of your income. Uncle Sam pays the rest directly to your landlord. As you can imagine, such a benefit must be popular, which is why you should apply for Section 8 now so you can get on a waiting list as soon as possible.

To begin your Section 8 application, find your local Public Housing Agency here.

Local Rent Relief Programs

It’s way too difficult to list all of the local rent relief programs here, which is why we suggest doing a quick search of your own. You may have luck finding rent relief programs from your city, county, and state by using this link. Or you can head to Google and search for your city, county, and state with the following phrases: rent assistance, rental assistance, rent relief, or rental relief.


A quick call to 211 will connect you with a local operator. Once they answer, ask them for emergency rent assistance in your area.

ERA Program

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program was implemented due to the coronavirus pandemic. It’s gathered billions in funding and distributed that cash to states from coast to coast. Qualify for the program by showing the pandemic negatively impacted you, and you could get assistance with past and future rent, moving expenses, utility bills, and more.

Although the ERA program is estimated to last until 2026 in some areas, funding in your location may be limited. To get a piece of the pie before the cash runs out, go here now.

Salvation Army And Catholic Charities

Some charities have been known to help people with rental assistance in the past. The Salvation Army and Catholic Charities are two examples. We can’t guarantee that your local chapters will offer rent relief or help pay your bills, so click those two links and contact your nearest offices to find out firsthand.

Zero-Interest Rent Relief Loans From Esusu

Get a personal loan to pay your past-due rent, and you could break the bank due to high interest rates. However, get a zero-interest loan from Esusu, and you won’t have that problem.

Esusu specializes in loans for rent relief. To see if you qualify, go here.