United Family Network

Have You Taken The Right Steps To Apply For Section 8?

You may be in a rush to apply for a Section 8 voucher so you can get help paying the rent. But before you do, there are several questions you should ask yourself to avoid any mistakes.

The thought of only having to pay around 30 percent of your income towards rent may be so appealing that you can’t wait to apply for Section 8. It’s a lengthy process, though. And Section 8 is not emergency rental assistance that you’ll get within a few days, weeks, or probably even months.

As such, you want to make sure you apply for a Housing Choice Voucher correctly. Answer these questions to ensure you do just that:

1. Do you know where you want to live?

With Section 8, you aren’t limited to living in your current city. There are Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) all across the U.S., so you can take your voucher almost anywhere.

Keeping this in mind, you should make a list of places you’d like to live before applying for Section 8. Why? Because you’ll need to apply to the PHA that coincides with your potential destination. If you don’t, you could get stuck with a voucher that has you live in a city that doesn’t fit your needs.

Another reason to make a list of potential locations is to reduce time on the Section 8 waiting list. Some areas have a high demand for vouchers, making the wait much longer than other less popular locations.

Your best bet is to apply to different waiting lists and PHAs to see which produces a voucher the quickest. If you can tough it out in one city for your voucher’s first year, you can transfer to a new location later on.

2. Do you have an email address?

Although it’s 2021, some people still do not have email addresses. If you’re one of them, get one for free via Gmail or a similar service. You’ll need the email address to apply for Section 8.

3. Do you have a reliable mailing address?

This is crucial to have a successful Section 8 journey, as your PHA will send correspondence from time to time. If you miss a letter and don’t respond in time, you could delay your voucher even more or lose your spot on the waiting list.

Pick a friend or family member’s mailing address if you’re always on the go. Or you can ask your nearest shelter or church if they can accept your mail. Whatever address you pick, make sure you check the mail regularly.

4. Are you getting housing alerts?

Some PHAs open and close their waiting lists according to changes in demand. You’ll want to receive alerts on when these lists open so you can be one of the first people to apply. You can ask your PHA if they offer such a service.

5. Are you falling for a scam?

If someone tells you there’s a fee to apply for Section 8, move on. It’s free to apply, so don’t fall for any scams.

6. Does anyone in your household have a disability or medical issues?

If so, a doctor’s note could move you up the list and get you a voucher quicker. Don’t forget to use this to your advantage, as it’s one of the best ways to accelerate the Section 8 application process.

7. Have you contacted the PHA yet?

If you haven’t done this once you finish everything in the list above, now’s the time to do so. Contacting the PHA is how you begin the Housing Choice Voucher application process.